Vari studi datano la costruzione delle Terme di Monfalcone attorno alla fine del I secolo a.C. L’acqua termale sgorga fonti solforose a 40°C, situate nella parte ovest dell’Isola della Punta, citata da Plinio il Vecchio. Pavimenti in cotto affrescati, ‘lavabi’ e varie statuette decorative in marmo rinvenuti in situ, testimoniano la bellezza di questo complesso termale.

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According to various studies, Roman Baths of Monfalcone dates back to the end of the 1st century BC. Thermal water gushes out with a temperature of 40 ° from sulphurous sources which are located in the western part of the Punta Island, mentioned by Pliny. The beauty of this spa complex is testified by terracotta floors and frescoed rooms, washbasins and various decorative marble statuettes.